Friday, October 31, 2008

This morning after wake up for subuh prayer i continue sleep and wake up again about 9 am, my children noise make me uncofortable to sleep, at the same time my wife told me that gas for cooking is already finished.

my friend from kampung said he want to stop by at my house on the way home from langkawi, but he still not confirm yet,
time goes so fast,,two weeks more then school holidays is coming for one and half month, i have booked hotel room in Cameron highland for one night, my kid have been along time ask me to go to cameron highland, despite i'm not going there for twelve years, i don't know how's cold it's feel this day, some people its getting hotter now.
Last week is very busy week, with so many exam paper to mark and open house of prefect body and form five student who will leave this school next year, i also thinking about my "bungalow" at my hometown, tukang2 still not coming yet but the claim is already 65 percent,,,anyhow i stll trust the contractor for his kebun in sg pas also still not been visit since ramadhan....fuuhhh so work to do during this school holidays,,

Sunday, October 26, 2008

hari2 akhir persekolahan

hari ni pergi sekolah dengan mood tak berapa baikk, sebab sekolah lain dah bercuti depavali, tapi nak buat macamana budak2 ada satu kertas lagi periksa,,ada jugak pelajar2 ting 5 buatmajlis jamuan aidilfitri,,terhibur jugaklah,,dengan budak2 tu,,,perut pun kenyang,,,alhamdulillahhhh